An Ultimate Guide for the Torque Nut Runner

Using the right torque nut runner is essential to eliminating errors, increasing accuracy and providing flexibility in assembly when required. When choosing a torque nut runner. You should pay attention to two important parameters: angle and torque. Because there are many torque nut tightening machine options to choose from. It can be not easy to know which tool best suits your needs. Depending on assembly usage requirements, you may need to use multiple nut runner tool to optimize the finished product. Read on to learn more about the Nutrunner tool, its purpose, and an overview of its options. There are many that you can use.

What Is Torque Nut Runners?

Torque nut runners rely on a DC regulator for power. At the same time, the pneumatic type is not required. Although pneumatic runner nuts are commercially available and were commonly used in the past, it does not provide the excellent torque control required for reliable fastening results. Torque Nut Runner/Torque Wrench has many adjustments. This includes tightening, turning, beveling, reaming and tapping. Tightening cycles can also be monitored via a nut cycle counter to optimize quality control results further. These Nutrunner tools can also be integrated with systems related to inspection and quality control software. Overall, a torque nut tightener can help you increase your productivity and reduce downtime. The real challenge is choosing the best runner nut tightener for your application.

Main Types of DC Nutrunner Tools:

The main differences between nut runner tools relate to design, power delivery, and tool angle. The three main types of runner nuts are right angle, linear/inline and pistol grip.

Right Angle:

Lightweight and ergonomically designed to reduce hand fatigue. Torque right-angle nut tighteners solve the problem of space limitations that affect fastening applications.

Direct or Inline:

A straight torque nut tightener is the most versatile type of runner nut driver because it can be used in almost every format except in tight spaces. Additionally, inline nut tighteners are often straight nut tighteners.


The Nutrunner torque wrench with pistol grip capability is held in the same way as holding a power drill with one hand. Mainly used on vertical application surfaces. The pistol grip runner nut also has a square drive that can hold various sized sockets. When high torque nut runner is required, a pistol-grip runner nut tool facilitates two-handed control using a reaction bar for bracing. Pulling the switch with your index finger instantly activates the throttle.

When should you use a torque Nutrunner?

  • The torque nut runner’s high torque output makes it indispensable for the following applications:
  • Construction of large buildings, houses, multi-level medical facilities, manufacturing plants, and other heavy construction conditions.
  • Railway, express transportation, mining automobile and energy generation equipment and facilities where strict regulations regarding nut and bolt strength are enforced.
  • Aerospace and military applications that require precision Compliance with federal and state regulations including 100% reliability of bolt/nut tightness.
  • Note that for applications involving volatile chemicals, liquids, and gases. It would help if you always used a pneumatic torque wrench. This reduces the risk of burns.

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